How to Make a Great Job Post with

Better-formatted job descriptions attract better teachers.

Here’re a few tips on how to improve the design of your job post.

  • Start with the description of your organization - show your advantages over other companies. To do so, try to see your organization through the eyes of a potential teacher. What makes them keen to apply for your job?
  • Post your job with an eye for detail. 

Make sure you’ve included all the necessary information about your school, so it would be easier for candidates to find your position among others.

Job editor screen

Upload Images

Upload Card image and Cover image to make your vacancy stand out.
Take a look at some examples below:

Card Images are shown in job directory

Cover Image is shown at the top of your vacancy

Compare it with a vacancy that doesn’t have a cover image

Write easy-to-read descriptions

Use Headings, Bullet lists and Numbered lists to make your vacancy look neat and organized.

Our job editor allows you to add headings and lists to improve readability of your vacancy and attract more teachers.

Please do not include your contact details - they won’t be shown to candidates anyway. Otherwise, we will have to delete your vacancy and block your account due to violation of website rules. 

Post your first job or edit jobs you have in your dashboard