About teach.fm

teach.fm is an online platform that matches teachers with ESL positions online and overseas. We are here to directly connect you to exclusive schools so you won’t be bombarded with spam or irrelevant offers!

How it works:

You sign up and directly apply to trusted and vetted schools. When your profile is complete, you’ll get interview invites from private, public and international academies within 24 hours! All of whom will be competing for your talents.

At teach.fm, you set your requirements upfront, so schools know what you expect.
After acing the interview, you sign your contract, apply for a work visa and pack your bags.

How we are different from others

Normally, when you’re looking for a TEFL job, you can search on spammy job boards or rely on predatory agencies. Meaning you’ll be interviewing for positions that are irrelevant to your requirements but benefit the recruiter in three ways:

  1. They have a position to urgently fill
  2. They will take a percentage of your salary
  3. Their income is 100% commission based

With recruiting agents, you will always be in the dark. You won’t know which school you are interviewing for, let alone the exact terms and conditions.

It is in their best interest to keep you away from the school employer in order for them to seal the deal and collect their commission.

Why choose teach.fm

We provide a personalized job search experience that is 100% free for teachers to use.

Our 1-to-1 career consultants will ensure you are receiving the best salary and benefits package.

You deal directly with employers and all conditions are listed upfront.

And remember, teach.fm screens employers by extensive phone interviews and on-site school visits. Additionally, we ask teachers to write employer reviews and require employers to submit at least three reviews from former or current teachers.

We do our homework!

It’s possible to find a teaching position without teach.fm — recruiting agencies will always take your call, but at your own risk. They will gladly refer you to schools where you can work on a business or tourist visa, making your status illegal.

Our human-to-human career consultants will give you a smooth and profitable transition abroad.

Our service goes beyond finding you the best salary. We also track the visa application process and provide ground support when candidates arrive to their destination to help ensure a smooth and comfortable transition.

And most importantly, we are not motivated by quotas and we don’t take a percentage of your salary.

Start your teaching journey

teach.fm offers exclusive vacancies and makes employers compete for your talents.

Hundreds of teachers have taken the leap.

And we’ve got you covered. Always available at teach.fm:

  • Vetted and trusted employers
  • Free 1-on-1 career consultation
  • Visa process tracking and ground support

Join us to find the position you are looking for.

A world of adventure awaits you!