Received an offer for a teaching position in China?
We bet we can find a better one for you!
Compare the teaching job you got with opportunities currently available on the market, using the details of your current offer. No extra time spent on agents and interviews.
Find a better offerMake sure you will be paid fairly before accepting the offer.
Most teaching positions are usually posted by agencies and offer a wide range of salaries, usually around $1500-$4000 monthly. However, the real salary range for the exact position is always limited and not disclosed.
Already working at school or recently got a new offer, but want to be sure you chose the best option?
Check your offer against the market and explore other opportunities in certain location.
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Only the best offers
Teachers can't always estimate the fair level of compensation and are underpaid by accepting mediocre offers
100% free service provides personalized job assistance and shows salary estimates upfront
Vacancies from 300+ schools
We follow the teaching market conditions and can evaluate your chance to get a better job.
Trusted by 5000+ teachers
Candidates are using to find jobs online and overseas and connect directly with schools